On The Job
Squirrels Tavern located on 2nd street in Corvallis Oregon employs many different characters to work behind the bar and in the kitchen. One of these individuals is Dylan Boyde, who not only works as a bartender, but also works in the kitchen at Squirrels. Dylan has worked at Squirrels for a year and a half, starting in the kitchen, he then increased his skills with bartending. As a retired high school teacher, Dylan enjoys that he no longer has to take his work home with him! In his free time he is able to enjoy life with his dog and making trips out of town to enjoy the outdoors or visit friends in different places.
The Corvallis public library doesn't just employ librarians, but also a host of other kinds of jobs. John Steeves works security for the public library. He ensures that no one causing trouble along with answering questions and directing people to the right area of the library for their needs. John has been working for the library for just over a year, but before his current job he worked as a 911 dispatcher at the Corvallis police department for 19 years. After retiring from dispatch work John decided he needed something to fill his days and through his experience as well as his love for books he was able to get a security job at the library. He enjoys all the people he gets to interact with as well as being able to find more books for his collection at home. John says one of his favorite things to do in his free time is read.
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